**To Read This Story From The Beginning, Click The Graphic Below.**
Episode 5
So, Mark has a brother, also with the last name of Wiebenga (obviously). He had started assuming he was already in the WiebengaLife, simply because he shared the same last name. We thought about this and realized that the answers we were getting for what WiebengaLife means to people, had nothing really to do with the last name (other than the fact that I think people just like how it sounds when they say it), but had everything to do with the way Mark and I have designed our life. Therefore, we decided that he would have to go in front of the panel and we informed him that he would have to do it on the upcoming trip to Cancun we were going on with about 500 of our friends that year.
The Panel Mark’s Bro Sitting In Front Of The Panel
Being that it had been a whole year since the last Cancun trip where we first unveiled Mark and my original WiebengaLife shirts, and we had made several spectacles of people being inducted into the WiebengaLife and earning the gear, we had a multitude of people wanting to be inducted. I would tell each of them this: “You have to catch us on a trip, go in front of a super secret panel, and you will be asked the question.” They always say, “What question is that?” & I say, “We are allowed to ask you more questions, but you will, for sure, be asked this question, ‘What does WiebengaLife mean to you?’” Then I say, “You may start preparing now.” ; ) They always get this super serious look on their face (mostly because I try to look very serious while delivering these instructions) and assure me that they will have something great prepared. Then they ask, “When can I go in front of the panel?” and I reply that it has to happen on a trip and they have to get 3 other WiebengaLifers to join us before it can happen.
Being that it had been a whole year since the last Cancun trip where we first unveiled Mark and my original WiebengaLife shirts, and we had made several spectacles of people being inducted into the WiebengaLife and earning the gear, we had a multitude of people wanting to be inducted. I would tell each of them this: “You have to catch us on a trip, go in front of a super secret panel, and you will be asked the question.” They always say, “What question is that?” & I say, “We are allowed to ask you more questions, but you will, for sure, be asked this question, ‘What does WiebengaLife mean to you?’” Then I say, “You may start preparing now.” ; ) They always get this super serious look on their face (mostly because I try to look very serious while delivering these instructions) and assure me that they will have something great prepared. Then they ask, “When can I go in front of the panel?” and I reply that it has to happen on a trip and they have to get 3 other WiebengaLifers to join us before it can happen.
So, fast forward to our Cancun trip and there are a ton of people wanting to go in front of “The Panel” and we are thinking, we don’t have time to induct all of these people. So we find a night that everyone is hanging out at the same main bar at our resort and start to hand select the people who have bugged us the most about the induction process, including Mark’s brother. We had a lot of fun and ended up inducting another 5 people into the WiebengaLife after making sure they were able to prove that they were worthy of being a part of it. It was a blast and Mark’s brother even made it in. . . OFFICIALLY!
Read the End of the Story on Episode 6 . . .
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